I have acknowledged on several occasions during the life of TCP that I am a self-help junkie. While some may dismiss self help literature as overindulgent and selfish, cathclaire (that's me) thinks the complete opposite. Is learning how to show up as the best version of yourself for everyone in your life really a selfish thing? If you become better, can't you help everyone around you in an improved, better way?
(If you have any further questions about my views on the subject or about my latest and greatest epiphanies as a result of my latest book, just ask Rebecca. She listens to me babble on about all of this self-help-universe stuff just about everyday and I have to say, it's a great combination over some good Stella's vino and instagram.)
My second point in this post is that my never ending journey down the self-help rabbit hole has brought me to some very unexpected (yet EFFING amazing) places. Exhibit A: I am one step away from becoming a Reiki master. What is Reiki? I think this is something better explained with your own research (it's worth a google) because lets be honest, it freaks some people out and I ain't getting into that here. #goodvibesonly

From self-help gurus like Simon Sinek to Danielle LaPorte ( P.S her new Desire Map Planner for 2017 is OUT and awesome as expected) to Joe Dispenza and oh so many more, the common thread that this wonderful journey has made very clear to me, is that we are all connected. When I first came across this concept, it was very foreign to me. Little me couldn't understand it and therefore my brain dismissed it completely. The more I dig and the more I learn, the more I believe this concept. After all, how awesome is it to think that we are connected to Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber on some level of this beautiful Universe?

Pretty freaking awesome.
We are all connected, so give someone a compliment or a hug. Pay it forward, loves, it counts.
*My compliment goes out to Reb for taking care of me yesterday during a ROUGH Thursday. Nobody gets me like you do!*
Black Sleevless Wrap: Zara (similar here) / White tee: ASOS / Choker: Topshop / Frill Hem Denim: ASOS / Shoes: Steve Madden / Bag: Saint Laurent / Sunnies: Illesteva (similar here)