

Fan Girl

If there is the best time to be in fashion for a blogger duo like The Crystal Press, I would have to say it is Spring/Summer fashion week in September when the weather is just right in NYC. Rebecca and I are still learning the ropes of this enchanting time of year but, boy, what we have learned so far has fulfilled dreams we've had ever since we were little girls. Before I go any further, let me just say we wouldn't have been able to go on this trip without your support so thanks for following along with our adventures from the very beginning. Yes, that was a shout out to all of the TCP + Cathclaire OG's
Speaking of TCP OG's, here is another post courtesy of J+D Photography and Roan. This Tibi skirt was made to be lived in and if you feel the same way, be sure to email to get one for yourself! The team at Roan will hook you up. And as always, if you need wedding, boudoir, or general amazing photography- contact Jada and David at J + D Photography for photos that will never, ever disappoint. 

Fashion week is exhausting but that's about as far as the complaints go because let's face it, there is something so invigorating about trading your daily routine for fashion runways and events full of the most inspiring people in the industry. Why yes, I did walk up to Morgan Stewart at the Charlotte Tilbury Samsung event and profess my obsession with her. A little forward, yes, but sometimes you have to go full #fangirl and see what the Universe throws back. In this case, it was a delightful conversation with someone I wanted to talk to for years and worth every bit of possible embarrassment. Reb and I will have a full NYFW round up in the next couple posts, so stay tuned but until then I just wanted to say thank you from the both of us! We are so appreciative of your support!

PS Let us know if you have specific questions you want us to answer in our NYFW roundup by emailing us at!
Ribbed Wrap Skirt: Tibi from Roan / White Tee: Isabel Marant from Roan / Bucket BagBagguSunniesIllesteva from Roan / Shoes: Steve Madden (on sale BTW!)


Thred Up: NYFW Style

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One of my favorite parts about visiting New York City is the feeling of possibility that is so contagious while amongst the hustle and bustle of the big apple. Although this feeling of possibility is a beautiful thing, it can make planning for Fall/Winter fashion week a bit tricky. If only you could have witnessed the twiz Rebecca and I were in while trying to pack for this cold yet fabulous week of fashion. I felt like a broken record pre-NYFW because all I could say to Rebecca was "I can't wait to finish packing, get into our hotel room in the city, and blast 'Welcome to New York' by TSwift." #thethingsthatcalmcatherine Let's just say that sub zero temperatures and endless possibility make for very heavy suitcases. (I ended up with 60 lbs of clothing. This is not a joke.)
That being said, one of the most important things to pack when visiting the big apple is a great shoe that can get you to all of these potentially fabulous events in one piece, comfortably. I found the perfect boots for our NYFW adventures at ThreduP that are pictured below. These Prada boots made my toes feel like 10 friends at a tea party aka they are oh-so-comfy. ThreduP updated my wardrobe just in time with these Prada boots and let me tell you, these boots were made for walking. I can't wait to throw them on with the perfect pair of cut-offs in the Spring.
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Denim Jacket: HM (similare here); Crop Top: Yumi Kim; Leggings: K by Kersh (Target); Shoes: Prada from ThredUp similar here; Bag: Sac Du Jour Saint Laurent Sunnies: Prada 54 mm