I have been addicted to meditating for a couple of years now. I find myself talking about my meditation practice when I meet you guys in person and recently I have started to take notice that this subject is always accompanied by the "what, really? Please teach me!" reaction. I am really vocal about my meditation experiences within my circle of friends and I want to begin to share this on cathclaire in hopes you guys will gain something from it!
Meditation has benefited me in ways that I could have never imagined. It is something I look forward to almost everyday and when the day rolls around that puts the "almost" in almost everyday, I am ALWAYS happy I pushed through and forced myself to meditate anyway. As a result of this consistent practice: my energy levels are higher, my focus is stronger than it's ever been, and the voice in my head has become one of my most supportive friends versus a thing to be dealt with.
Are you intrigued yet?