Disclaimer: this post reveals a Nordstrom giveaway at the very end!
The unforgettable person that inspired my love of Halloween (and fashion, for that matter) was my Aunt Mary. If there was ever a queen of Halloween, she was it. She always helped me with my costume growing up and sent me Halloween care packages when I was away at college. My aunt made Halloween care packages a thing.. a very much anticipated thing at that. She loved the idea of dressing up in costume and her Halloween spirit was infectious. She passed away a couple of years ago, and to this day - I get a little more outrageous on Halloween in her honor.
I decided to dress up as the lead singer of The Killers, Brandon Flowers. Rebecca and I saw him in concert this summer and I pretty much fell head over heels for him (don't judge until you see him live.) Anyways, Brandon's thing was feather epaulettes and lets be real, who turns down an excuse to unapologetically wear feather epaulettes? When I went down one of my I'm-obsessed-with-Brandon-Flowers rabbit holes via google, I found this quote in regards to his feelings on his signature feathery Dior blazer:
"The feather epaulettes were my most fabulous style statement. When I get into the jacket I feel good and very triumphant. It's the old cliche of putting the mask on. I don't know if I could get up in front of 70,000 people at festivals without my feathers on."
Brandon, if you're reading this - I feel pretty triumphant in my blazer adorned with feather epaulettes too and don't mind switching out your festival-ocassion for my Halloween celebration. Thanks for the inspo, bud. 

If you are getting into costume this Halloween, you will be excited to hear about the contest The Crystal Press is hosting this year. In order to qualify, share a picture of your costume via social media tagging @thecrystalpress and #TCPHalloween. The best costume will win a $50 gift card to Nordstrom! Reb and I can not wait to see all of your entries!
PS: This costume consisted of feathers from a local craft store attached with fabric glue, a sheer white button up from H&M, the darkest Urban Decay black eye makeup, and a fo-hawk courtesy of my multi-talented roommate & great friend, Meg Decker. Follow her on insta here: @megeliza02.