

Summer Cooking with Cathclaire + Notable Wine

Is there anything better than warm weather, a glass of Chardonnay, and fresh treats? I am really excited to share one of my go-to, quick and easy appetizers that I love to enjoy in the summer months, whether I am at home with my hubby or taking a dish to a get together with friends. Not only is this treat super easy, but choosing which Chardonnay to suit you has never been easier with this new wine I am about to share with you that launched this year!

I don't know about you guys, but I find myself pulling out my phone way too often when I am in the wine aisle at the grocery store. There are so many wines out there and I can't possibly know what kind of flavors to expect from each one beyond the basic knowledge I have of each varietal. I have gotten home after a grocery trip disappointed more times than I can count because I guessed wrong about the flavors of a wine!

That being said,  I am so excited to share with you Notable wines. Not only do they have wines that vary in different styles, regions, and taste - but they also put the taste notes of the wine right on the front of the label! Notable is the first wine to highlight flavor profiles like this and I don't know about you, but this makes maneuvering through the wine aisle much less confusing.

While Notable makes your trip through the wine section that much more refined & easier, they also have two expressive Chardonnays that I want to share with you guys today. One has notes that are on the oaky and buttery side and one has flavors that are more crisp & fruity. Both of these Chardonnays pair perfectly with my goat cheese crostinis that I love to enjoy in the summer. Who can turn down anything with goat cheese?

Summer Goat Cheese Crostinis Tutorial

What You'll Need:

1 loaf of french bread or if you're lazy like me, pre-cut crostinis
1 package of strawberries
4 oz of plain goat cheese
1 Jar of balasmic glaze