

Christmas in Kansas City

Growing up in a family full of 9 kids, traveling for Christmas was never an option. After all, how would Santa find all 9 of us if we were somewhere different every year? That being said, Christmas was always at our house. My Aunts and Uncles traveled to us, since it was usually easier for them to travel than the 11 of us that made up my family. Yes, if this is your first time on Cathclaire, I have 9 siblings, which makes for a total of a family of 11. Growing up in a big family left little old me always craving attention but now, having so many friends in my family (aka my brothers and sis) might be the best thing that ever happened to me. It doesn't get much better than big families. 

I write all this to say that my expectations for families are very high and I count my lucky stars everyday when I think about the family that I married into thanks to my hubby. This year I had the pleasure of traveling for Christmas for the first time in my whole life  to visit Kev's lovely fam and I constantly feel like I need to pinch myself with the people that I have been surrounded on this special holiday (and I can't believe they are my family!) 

Kevin and I traveled to Kansas City, MO to visit Kevin's sister and her family of 6 and boy has it been fun. Nothing beats watching the kids open their presents on Christmas day, their faces are priceless. My husband is a huge Miami Dolphins Football fan and it just so happened that the Dolphins were playing the KC Chiefs on Christmas Eve this year. My brother in law got us suite tickets for the game (TG because it was piercingly cold outside for the game and snow was on the ground) and Kevin was as happy as a clam. After the game, we came home to a gourmet seafood dinner, which is a tradition in Kevin's sisters house with her littles. I couldn't eat enough crab legs or lobster. Talk about  yum!

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holiday as much as Kev and I enjoyed ours with our little fam. May the rest of 2017 and your 2018 be filled with all that your heart desires! xo Cath

PS How cute is this photo of my niece wearing the DIFF glasses I got my sister in law? She's a peach.