The moon must be doing something weird because lately I feel like I can barely keep up with my to-do list. You know those times when you write your to-dos down, but on different lists and then you less than ideally misplace them? That’s me rn.
Between fashion week prep, general life stuff, and a quick stint in Vegas today (all things I am very excited about), life has been quite the whirl wind over the past (barely there) week. However, in my overwhelming to-do list fog, I have managed to find another pair of Alexander Wang booties (!!).
If this is your first time visiting CC, you are probably wondering why that is worth mentioning. I have a pair of Alexander Wang booties (here // here) that I try to squeeze into every ensemble and if I’m not wearing them in a post on the blog, it’s not for lack of trying – it’s in the name of variety. I am so excited to find a new pair of A Wang booties and even more excited to prove that her designs are killer in shoes. I can guarantee you will see a lot of these puppies on here from this day forward because …. now it’s a tradition.
Alright guys, this is your PSA to be sure to follow along on Snapchat (@cathclaire) to see all of my adventures, Vegas style.