

5 Date Night Restaurants in Richmond, VA

I don’t know about you guys - but between working, freelancing, blogging on The Crystal Press, blogging some more here, and exercising, cooking is the last thing on my list time wise. I feel like a failure in the eyes of many people (my mother being one of them, she is a saint from another Universe who cooked for 11 people growing up. Yes, a reminder that I have 7 siblings) saying that out loud but it’s the damn truth, you know? By the time I prep the ingredients, cook the meal, eat the meal, clean up the meal, the next thing I know - it’s been hours and a bottle of wine. That being said, I do cook and I’m sure I will get better at doing it more efficiently and when I do I will share it here, but I so look forward to date nights with my new hubby! We frequent lots of the restaurants around Richmond because let’s be honest, the food scene is popping in RVA and it is impossible to stay away - even when you plan on being a good wife + cooking on a Friday night.
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For those of you that are in the mood for a good date night spot, I’ve got you covered with some of Kev + I’s favorites and the secret sauce aka my go-to orders. Eat your heart out, literally.
  1. The Roosevelt: The Burger. While I have no idea what rooster sauce is, I do know that it tastes phenomenal on their already phenomenal burger. Hands down best one in town and I’d go as far to say best one outside of town.
  2. Heritage: 2 Orders of Pimento Croquettes and whatever tickles my fancy. The menu is always changing here, but you can’t go wrong with anything. This is one of those places where I feel comfortable closing my eyes, pointing at a random spot on the menu, and ordering. SO good.
  3. Bacchus on Main: Tomatoes + Cream Pasta with Fried Goat Cheese Salad sans beets. Yes, I know beets are good for you but I don’t like them touching my goat cheese. PS This meal is vegetarian-friendly and the pasta is enough to split or take home and munch on for dayyyyys. Heats up very well if I do say so myself, and that is saying a lot because I loathe leftovers.
  4. Rappahannock: Oyster Bourride. This is more like a stew but regardless of the temperature outside, I can always eat a bowl of this. The egg, oysters, and billy bread over broth is a delightful combination that I hope they keep on the menu forever and ever.
  5. The Daily Kitchen: Quinoa Salad, mic drop. This salad is so refreshing and filling! I feel like the green goddess when I eat this and you want to feel like that too, trust me.
date night restaurant richmond va